Eva M. Thury: Courses

Gods, and goddesses, heroes, rituals, fairy tales, popular culture. Greek, Norse, Mesopotamian myths and theory about how they work.
Central European Lit
A team-taught course mostly on Czech literature, with some Hungarian. A Kafkaesque experience,
and Esterházy too!
Desktop Publishing
Developing a publication plan and designing documents in PageMaker.
ENGL 103
Writing and Literature: readers and the meanings they create in a text, writing about texts. Special BuffaloEdition.
The stage is your mind: you are the producer. Great plays, from Agamemnon to The Madwoman of Chaillot
Classical Lit
From the minds and hearts of long ago Greeks and Romans, timeless treasures in philosophy, drama, history and poetry.
LIT 202
Masterpieces of World Literature,
part 3: Molière to Beckett.
Software Documentation
How to write specifications for user documentation and how to write and test it. Includes web-based, Windows Help, and paper documents.
ENGL 105
Honors course in reading and research, with an emphasis on literature
Literature Rant
My thoughts on what it means to study literature, intended to help students understand what they are getting into when they take my courses.
Techniques of Speaking
The oral communications process: organization and rhetoric for effective professional presentations
ENGL 102
How to find, read and use the research materials you'll study in courses across the curriculum
LIT 200
Masterpieces of World Literature,
part 1: Homer to Dante.
The Mystery Story
Crimes, detectives, hard-boiled heroes, cozy English villages: clues to a good story.

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