Swipe File

As explained on LGP p. 6, a clip file or a swipe file is a valuable resource for anyone who works in design. In this course, you are required to develop a swipe file.

The swipe file should be kept in a 3-ring binder. Start with a narrow binder at first. The one-inch paper ring binders in the book store are a good starting point. You may want to add more "volumes" or switch to a bigger binder later in your design career, but this small binder may be big enough for your work for this course. Items placed in the swipe file should have:

Entries which have rough edges, or are taken from design books or magazines, or from samples handed out for another class, rather than actual items found in the "real world," will be considered less acceptable or unacceptable for the swipe file. Do not deface library items, or items which belong to someone else to obtain your swipe file entries. If necessary, photocopy such items where appropriate.

Required entries

Assignment 1: Include in your swipe file one item you've found that illustrates good graphic design and one that illustrates bad. Write a one-paragraph explanation analyzing each item in design terms. Use terms from the chapter in LGP, like proportion and contrast. Highlight the design terms you use by putting them in bold face or Italic type.

Assignments 2-10: Find and analyze two items that illustrate the topic covered in the week's reading. Use terms from the relevant chapter in LGP.

Example: if the topic that was covered in this week's reading was typography, find two instances of the fine use of typography, and explain them in the design terms used in the textbook and in any relevant previous class discussion.

Optional Entries

Build your swipe file by adding other items that interest you. Be sure to provide headings and explanations of what you think is importnat about the item, in design terms.