The University of Pennsylvania Library

How to find a good source:

  1. Do your preliminary research at Drexel. Use Drexel's online databases and printed indexes to identify the journal article or articles you want to use for your assignment. Get research help from Drexel's librarians.
    Warning: Do not expect research help from librarians at the University of Pennsylvania. This means do not go to Penn's Reference Desk for help. Drexel's agreement with Penn does not cover those services.
  2. If Drexel does not have the source you found, check Franklin, Penn's online catalog, to see if the library has the journal you need. Select Author/Title/Subject search. When you have accessed Franklin, click on "Journal Title" and type in the name of the journal. Scroll down to see the call number. Print out or copy the call number.
  3. Go to Van Pelt Library (see map below), taking the call number(s) of the sources you are interested in with you.
    Warning: Drexel's agreement with the University of Pennsylvania does not allow you to use Penn's online bibliographic databases. This is because of the legal aspects of the agreements that Penn has with its database providers.
  4. If you have found a call number in the Franklin catalog, but can't locate the source on the shelf, seek help at the Van Pelt Library Circulation Desk. The staff there can help you track down the journal in question.


Location of Penn's Van Pelt Library: