
As part of my effort to make sure that our textbook needs are met, the main text for this course is available only at: Penn Book Center.

Readings (Penn Book Center):

Shakespeare: Barbara A. Mowat (Preface), Paul Werstine (Preface), The Tempest, Washington Square Press (The Tempest)
Ibsen, The Wild Duck: Hedda Gabler, Norton (The Wild Duck)
Aeschylus: Robert Fagles (Translator), The Oresteia (Agamemnon)
Sophocles: Richard Pevear (Translator), Herbert Golder (Introduction), Aias(Ajax): Ajax (Ajax)
Moliere: tr. Richard Wilbur, Tartuffe, Harvest Books (Tartuffe)
Jean Giraudoux: Maurice Valency (Designer), The Madwoman of Chaillot, Dramatist's Play Service (The Madwoman of Chaillot)

Readings (Excerpts available in Library Reserve Room):

Burns, Theatricality: A Study of Convention in the Theatre and in Social Life (Burns)
Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination (Bakhtin)
Turner, "Liminality and the Performative Genres" (Turner)

Readings (Internet):

Didaskalia, Introduction to Ancient Greek Drama (URL: http://www.warwick.ac.uk/didaskalia/stagecraft/greek.html)
English Companion, How to Read a Play (Scroll down for the bullet starting, "When reading a play...")(URL: http://www.englishcompanion.com/room82/readplays.html)
Mike Bradshaw, How to Read Shakespeare (Scroll down for the relevant section.) (URL: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/bradsweb/shakespr.htm)
Charles Nelson, Conventions found in Shakespeare (Scroll down for the relevant section.) (URL: http://www.csus.edu/indiv/n/nelsonce/145B.htm)
Thury, Background on the Trojan War (URL: http://www.coas.drexel.edu/humanities/faculty/thury/Trojan_War.html)