Create a web page in which you give your reaction to Prague's Kafka statue. Your reaction can be in the form of an essay, or a story.
Minimum length of text on the page: 2 pages.
Use the following as a basis for your assignment:
You may also include your response to Prague in general (Don't forget the Prague walking tour available in our class links!) or to the Golem as related to Kafka.
If your reaction is in the form of a story, please include a page on which you explain what your research consisted of, and how it was incorporated into your story.
Remember to properly credit all your sources, using the MLA Style of documentation for citing URL's. or MLA Style of documentation for citing journal articles.
On HTML: You don't need to learn HTML to do this assignment. Just create your page in Microsoft Word and save it as a Web Page. If you would like to make your page "fancier," that's okay too, but it is not required for the assignment.